This is Agatha, or Aggi, my body double! She's called Agatha because when Mum was expecting me she was so sure that I was going to be a boy and named John that they hadn't decided on a girl's name, and one of the hospital nusrses thought I looked like an Agatha.
Aggie is only an inexpensive polystyrene dummy. She has a depressing amount of padding, mostly on her tummy but also on the shoulders because her body is shorter than mine. She is currently awaiting a decent top skin which I plan to make in bright pink to match other accents in the study where she lives.
Aggi got her new skin in January 2019, very soon after the fabric arrived. It has a high percentage of elastane and is therefore very stretchy.
Making the skin was very much trial and error to make it fit and it ended up with CF and CB seams as well as the side seams, but that has to be a good thing on a dress fitting dummy.