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Addendum to Threads for Lace Edition 6

List completed January 2018

Linen and bast threads
Thread size spin wraps/cm
Au Paon Qualite Extra 200 2S 25
Bull Brand (Northern Ireland) 25/3 3S 14
  50/3 3S 18
  50/2 2S 21
  60/2 2S 23
  70/2 2S 25
Cartier Bresson Fil de Lin 30 4S 19
Cartier Bresson a la Croix Fil Brilliante pour Dentelle 46 3S 14
Coats FFR Fil de Lin a Dentelles 50 2S 22
  80 2S 25
  100 2S 34
CF Fil cour de lin 108 3S 27
DMC Lin pour Dentelles 16 4S 13
FDMV Coeur de Lin alite speciale 36 2Z 17
FLD Fil cour de Lin 40 tours extra fou 300 3S 29
R&C au Briouet 100 3S 19
S&F Fil de Bruxelles 30 3S 15


Cotton threads
Thread size Spin wraps/cm
Barkonie Egyptian cotton (Czech Republic) Nm50/3 Tex 20x3 3Z 24
Cartier Bresson Cotton a Broder a la Croix 8 4S 25
  6 4S 26
Cartier Bresson Cordonnet a la Croix 60 2S/3Z 24
  70 2S/3Z 25
  80 2S/3Z 27
Coats Tre Cerchi 40 3Z 28
DMC Natura   2S/8S 5
Jernej Jemc Cipke Mojka Sukanec za Klekjanje Idrija (Slovenia) 30 (dTex 200x3) 3Z 28
J&P Coats Mercer Crochet 80 2S/3Z 30
Clark's Big Ball mercerised crochet 40 3Z 23
Coats & Clark 'Coats Cotton' all purpose 35wt 3Z 29
Courtrai pour dentelles Qte Sublime No 108 3S 29
Frank's Baumwolle (was Sabagarn) 30/3 3Z 23
Hilo Japonés (Spanish)
#50 3Z 30
  #70 3Z 35
  #80 2Z 44
PV Fil a la reine Berthe Cordonnet Superieur 120 3S 29
Superior Threads Treasure Hand Quilting 30/3 3Z 25
ets Toulemond au Chinois Fil a Coudre classique 50 3Z 26
Wonderfil Eleganza Perle 8 2S 15
  5 2S 10
  3 2S 7
Unitas Idriana (Croatia) 50/3 (Tex 30x3) 3Z 27
Wonderfil Elfina 60wt 2Z 44
TheWorks.co.uk Embroidery Thread   2S 13
YLI Machine Quilting 40/3 Tex40 3Z 28


Silk threads
Thread size spin wraps/cm
Bart & Francis Fine Schappe super spun 60/2-70/2Nm 2Z 24
Bart & Francis Promo Silk (spun) 100/2Nm x 2 2S/2S 27
Bart & Francis Round Cordonnet (spun)   2S/4S 12
Bart & Francis Kimono Schappe 120/2x4 2S/4S 15
Bozzolo Reale Filato di pura seta No24 3S 18
Pagamoori silk   4S 14
Coats Seta Real (Hungary) filament silk 100 3S 40
Fresia silk (spun) (Belgium) 15/3Nm 3S 11
KNK silk (filament) 50 3Z 32
Superior Threads Kimono silk (filament) (Japanese Lady thread) 100/2 2Z 50


Synthetic and Man-made threads
Thread size spin wraps/cm
Amann Saba (polyester) 30 3Z 17
Anzel Super Lux (100% spun polyester) overlocker thread Tkt 150 60/2 2Z 40
Bart & Francis TweedyWooly (45% wool, 35%nylon, 25% acrylic)   1S 14
Bart & Francis Art Deco Fantasie (mixed fibres)   5 x 2S 7
Coats Moon (spun polyester)   120s 2Z 30
Coats Astra (spun polyester)   Tkt 120 Tex 27 2Z 30
Coats Cometa (spun polyester)   Tkt 120 Tex 27 2Z 30
Coats Terko Satin (polyester-cotton corespun)   Tkt 36 Tex 80 2Z 20
Coats Gramax (textured polyester floss)   Tkt 8 Tex 35 1 23
Empress Mills Machine Embroidery 40s 2Z 31
Empress Mills Polylight (polyester)   2Z 42
Empress Mills Polycore (cotton covered polyester)   2Z 34
Empress Mills Varisheen (untwisted floss)   1 31
Gütermann Sulky Glowy (polyester) 40 2Z 30
Gütermann Sulky Solar (colour changing) 40 2Z 30
ets Toulemonde Fil au Chinois fils a coudre classiques et fantaisie 40 2Z 21
Superior Threads SoFine (polyester) 50/3 3Z 39
Ultra Special Rayon 30 2Z 27
Wonderfil Fabulux (tri-lobal polyester) 40wt 3Z 27
Wonderfil Elana (50% acrylic 50% wool) 28wt 2S 17


Glitter threads
Thread size spin/construction wraps/cm
Dritz Metallic   wrap 45
Empress Mills Lurex Twist   2S+1bound/S 13
Guetermann Mara (polyester) 30 3Z 18
  70 3Z 25
Superior Threads Razzle Dazzle (polyester)   4Z/2S 10
ets Toulemond au Chinois Caudry cocoons   2Z/2S+1 22
MyFabrics overlocker thread on large cone 80/2Nm 2Z 34


List completed January 2018
These threads have been incorporated into Edition 7

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