Storm at Sea Quilts

blue SAS

red SAS quilt

These quilts were made to a traditional pattern, usually known as Storm at Sea.
They are shown on a double bed but I use them as table covers.

blue block red block

Using different colours and placement of the highlight colours produces very different effects.In the blue quilt the accent colour, orange, is in the corners of the block, in the red quilt the yelow accent is in the long triangles which show as stars in the finished quilt. The only other difference is the corner sub-blocks - in the blue it's a square, in a square, in a square; in the red one it's just a square in a square.

blue corner red corner
The border arrangements on the two quilts are very different; two straight borders on the blue version, pieced on the red version which also has extra white pieces around the edge of the main section to emphasise the pattern. Both quilts have in the ditch machine quilting in the centre and hand quilted borders.


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